Healthy incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd, is Mumbai Based WHO GMP certified manufacturer of injection, tablets, capsules, liquid, dry syrups, pre-filled syringes, ointments etc. with an extensive experience of over 45 years in manufacturing and have reach in many countries. We are committed to provide a stock of highly effective Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone compound Tablets to our innumerable clients with the help of our well-experienced pharmaceutical specialists. Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone compound tablets contains (Adronochromemonosemicarbazone 0.33mg + Menadione sodium bisulphate 10mg + Sodium ascorbate + Ascorbic acid ip 100mg + Rutin 50mg + Dibasic calcium phosphate 125mg) Adrenochrome Monosemicarbazone compound tablets is an oxidative product of adrenaline (chemical messenger) that limit the blood vessels to weaken the blood flow.
This stops bleeding by reducing capillary, fragility, and bleeding from micro vessels. This process prevents bleeding and promotes clot formation. It is anti-bleeding agents that extend platelet aggregation and forms a platelet clog by interacting with adrenoreceptors on surface of platelets. This agent acts to secure the flow of blood. These works more at the capillary level and are not active at stemming arterial or venous bleeding under any important intravascular pressure.
Product Name Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone compound Tablets
Composition & Active ingredients Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone
Potency Adronochromemonosemicarbazone 0.33 mg
Menadione sodium bisulphate 10 mg
Sodium ascorbate
Ascorbic acid ip 100 mg
Rutin 50 mg
Di-basic calcium phosphate
Therapeutic use internal bleeding
Packing 10 Tablets (1 Box)
Dosage As per Doctor Prescription
Please inform doctor your medical history, especially of Liver diseases, Kidney problems, Infant/babies, Adults above 60 yrs. It is not safe for pregnant, or planning to have a baby, or breast-feeding mother.
Like all other medicines these may have some below common side effects which may not affect all patients and it goes away over the period but if any of symptoms get severe then please consult your doctor immediately.
For Detailed Product Information Contact Us at +91 7710003340, If you need Any assistance in selecting our Products that fits your requirements. If youre looking for any product that youre not seeing here, please contact our support team.
Note: Healthy Incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd tries to ensure that all information, whether in relation to the products, services, offerings provided as part of this website is correct at the time of inclusion on the website, Unauthorized use of any materials contained on this website may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, certain communications statutes and regulations and other applicable laws and regulations. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in this material are owned by Healthy Incorporation. Please connect with us to discuss precise product specifications and requirements and obtain advice on which products are suitable for your requirement or you can write to
Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone compound Tablets (Adronochrome monosemi carbazone . + Menadione sodium, àààààà¨àààààà ààà¨ààààà àààààààà¼àਠààààà ààà²àààà (àààààà¨àààààà ààà¨ààààà àààààààà¼àਠ. + ààà¨ààààਠàààààà, comprimidos del compuesto adrenocromo monosemicarbazona (adronocromo monosemicarbazona , + menadiona s³dica, comprims de compos dadrnochrome monosemicarbazone (Adronochrome monosemi carbazone , + Menadione sodique, ØÙرØص ٠رÙب ØØرÙÙÙÙرÙÙ Ù ÙÙÙسÙÙ Ù ÙØربØزÙÙ (ØØرÙÙÙÙرÙÙ Ù ÙÙÙسÙÙ Ù ÙØربØزÙÙ . Ù ØÙ + Ù ÙÙØØÙÙ٠صÙØÙÙÙ ) , çAdronochromeåçæ¨åè²èæçï¼Adronochrome monosemicarbazone . + ç²èéé, comprimidos de composto de adrenocromo monosemicarbazona (Adronocromo monosemi carbazona , + Menadiona s³dica , ÐÐедÐÐеÐÐе ÐдÑеÐÐÑ ÑÐмРмÐÐÐÑемÐÐÐÑбÐзÐÐÐ ÐÐблеÑÐÐ (ÐдÑÐÐÐÑ ÑÐм мÐÐÐÑемÐÐÐÑбÐзÐÐ + меÐÐдÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÑÐÑ , ãããããããããã»ãã«ã«ããã³ååçéï¼ãããããããããã»ãã«ã«ããã³ï¼ããããªã³ãããªããï¼, suppliers India, Exporters,Wholesalers India, Distributors India, Generic Supplier,who gmp certified manufacturer,
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